DVD Programs

Bonarch Supply Canada Ltd.

offers over 100 hours of Self-Instruction Continuing Education programs.

50% Discount on ALL Self-Study DVD Programs

Link to Details



23 Hours

Achieving Excellence in Functional Jaw Orthopedics and Case Finishing

Dr. James Broadbent, DDS, MS

A 20 minute PREVIEW

Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2

12 Hours

Merle's Pearls

Dr. Merle Bean, Pediatric Dentist

11 Hours

Stack of Knowledge Ortho/TMJD Power 123 Case Presentations

Dr. Brendan Stack

10 Hours

Stack of Knowledge PART - I
Diagnosis & Treatment

Dr. Brendan Stack

10 Hours

Stack of Knowledge PART - II
Case Finishing

Dr. Brendan Stack

10.5 Hours

Stack of Knowledge PART - III

Dr. Brendan Stack

18 Hours

Alternative Lightwire Functionals & Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Dr. Gavin James
Dr. Darick Nordstrom
Dr. Gerald Smith
Dr. Brendan Stack

10 Hours

Distribution is limited to new clients or with a minimum $500 video purchase

Restrictions may apply

Functional Jaw Orthopedics (FJO), Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

Dr. Brendan Stack
Dr. James Broadbent
Dr. James May
Dr. Merle Bean
Mr. Emmett Griffiths