Bonarch Supply Canada Ltd.
offers over 100 hours of Self-Instruction Continuing Education programs.
50% Discount on ALL Self-Study DVD Programs
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Titles |
23 Hours
Achieving Excellence in Functional Jaw Orthopedics and Case Finishing
Dr. James Broadbent, DDS, MS
12 Hours
Merle's Pearls
Dr. Merle Bean, Pediatric Dentist
11 Hours
Stack of Knowledge Ortho/TMJD Power 123 Case Presentations
Dr. Brendan Stack |
10 Hours
Stack of Knowledge PART - I Diagnosis & Treatment
Dr. Brendan Stack
10 Hours
Stack of Knowledge PART - II Case Finishing
Dr. Brendan Stack
10.5 Hours
Stack of Knowledge PART - III Imaging
Dr. Brendan Stack
18 Hours
Alternative Lightwire Functionals
& Temporomandibular
Joint Dysfunction
Dr. Gavin James
Dr. Darick Nordstrom
Dr. Gerald Smith
Dr. Brendan Stack
10 Hours
Distribution is limited to new clients or with a minimum $500 video purchase
may apply
Functional Jaw Orthopedics (FJO), Orthodontics and
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)
Dr. Brendan Stack
Dr. James Broadbent
Dr. James May
Dr. Merle Bean
Mr. Emmett Griffiths